How Has This Virus Affected Your Business? Extreme Covidity

The Urban Dictionary Defines Covidity:


Following or observing all of Covid-19 self protection protocols such as hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, environmental cleaning and ventilation, practicing social distancing, self-monitoring, self-isolation, and mandatory quarantine.

Now this may not be a real word but for sure this virus is real and the Covid-19 Pandemic has affected the entire world. What I would like to know as a digital marketer and also an employee of Murrayville Plumbing & Heating Ltd. is how has this affected your business? I have talked to many family members and friends over the last few weeks and hear so many different stories. Honestly, I need those stories right now because I have moments where it feels very overwhelming. You see I grew up here in the Lower Mainland and spent my entire life moving around a few different cities like New Westminster, Burnaby, Surrey & Delta. I have never experienced anything like this, nor has my mother.

There is a reason I brought up that word “Covidity” now it may not be a real word yet but I am sure once all this is over it may become a word that is more common than it should be. I have moments where I feel like this whole thing is a sham and it is being blown way out of proportion, then I have moments that I worry about the health and well being of my mother who would not survive getting this virus or if my wife or children got it and I would not be able to be with them at the hospital. That really scares me and here I go again with that feeling of “not doing enough.” It really is a roller coaster of emotions and opinions right now.


How Has This Virus Affected Your Business?

Now that my rant it over, let’s get back to my original question: How has this virus affected your business? Being realistic, there is not a single business in Canada that has not been affected in some way, some will be understaffed & most will be overstaffed. Let me tell you what has been going on in my world. As a digital marketer I have seen a big jump in online Ads all over the web, more Google, more Bing & more digital marketing. Now this is a good thing for people like me but what about the bread and butter of our country? What about the people that help keep everything moving forward? How are YOU doing? I really need to know.

Every day I wake up and wonder, “Is today the day we get laid off?” The stress of having a family to take care of in most days is enough on its own but wondering at any moment, your entire financial world … just gone… that can be very overwhelming. Now don’t get me wrong, I know how lucky I am to be still working with over 1,000,000 let me say that again 1,000,000 people applying for EI in Canada & for that I am truly grateful. My stress is real! Your stress is real! This pandemic is real! That is the absolute reality of our world at this moment. What I must remember is exactly what I just said, “At this moment!” This too shall pass.

Life is full of moments; some are good, some are bad and some of just there. This pandemic will some day be gone, and the world will start the long journey of recovery. We have lost a few friends already at work here, business is no where what it used to be like. We expanded our business over this last year and have been hit hard with this world issue right now. That is why I am asking how this virus has affected your business. Part of me wants to know we are not alone in this daily struggle to keep the phones ringing, the lights on, the paycheck’s coming… We are essential service. Plumbing, heating, drainage & gas fitting is all classed as essential service here in BC. Around 70% of our business is residential. We are a service-based business and we depend on giving the best services possible to customers all around the Fraser Valley & Lower Mainland.

There may be a few reasons why our business has slowed but for sure we are being affected in a negative way by this pandemic. Customers are not calling even though we have all the PPE (personal protective gear) we need to keep our customer and our technicians safe. We take this very seriously and provide top notch services. Customer satisfaction is how we have built our business and how we will continue to grow that business. That is why we adopted the slogan: There When You Need Us.  Despite every step we have taken to ensure safety and comfort, business is not what it used to be but hey…. this too shall pass!

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