Knowing when to replace your hot water tank and the signs to watch for can help you replace your old hot water heater before it completely fails. At Murrayville Plumbing, we understand that having warm, running water in your home is vital to everyday living. That is why we offer a wide range of plumbing services for hot water tanks.

Signs that You Need a New Hot Water Tank

Some of the most common signs that you need to replace your hot water tank include:

1. The Water Heater’s Age

While the majority of hot water tanks last between eight and ten years, the need to actually replace your water heater could arise before or after the regular life expectancy. Hot water tanks, whether they have begun showing signs of aging or not, should be replaced once they are a decade past their manufacture date. Water heaters should also be replaced before their life expectancy if they begin to show signs, such as:

  • Rusty water
  • Noises
  • Leaks
  • Failure to heat water

2. Rusty Water

If you are noticing rusty water coming from the hot water faucet in your sink or bathtub, you most likely have a rusty water heater. Rusting is inevitable on hot water tanks that are past their expiration date; however, rusting can occur on any type of hot water tank, even those under their expiration date.

3. Rumbling Noises

As the hot water tank ages, it may begin to make loud rumbling noises as the tank heats up water. Noise from a water heater is often caused by sediment buildup. Aging water heaters that are continually working to heat and reheat water can often have sediment start to form on the bottom of the tank. Over time, the sediment will begin to harden and grow thicker, causing the hot water tank to wear down rapidly.

4. Water Around the Hot Water Tank

Hot water tanks that are near the end of their lives can often spring leaks, causing water to drip onto the floor around the tank. Water leaks in hot water tanks are caused by the expansion of metal in the tank as it is exposed to thousands of heating cycles. In most cases, when the leak first occurs, the tank will only leak when the metal expands during the heating cycle, causing only small amounts of water to leak through the gap.

5. Water is no Longer Hot Enough

While warm and hot water can be vital to everyday life, most people often take it for granted until the sink or bathtub does not reach a sufficient temperature. The loss of heat from a hot water tank is most often caused by three possible issues:

  1. A misadjusted thermostat
  2. A broken heating element
  3. A tank that is too small for the size of your home

If you would like to learn more about knowing when to replace your hot water tank, please contact Murrayville Plumbing at 778-888-6451 or by filling out a form on our website. In addition to our plumbing services, we are also happy to offer heating, gas, and commercial services.

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